• Citizenfour - Citizenfour is unique in that it is not just a documentary about Edward Snowden and the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures but was partly filmed during Snowden’s first contact with journalists. I highly recommend this.
  • United States of Secrets - This is a 2 part documentary series that explores the massive and controversial secret surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the impact it had on the American public.
  • Weapons of Mass Surveillance - A great BBC documentary on how Middle Eastern autocracies use and abuse spyware and surveillance technology and how western technology corporations and governments are complicit.
  • The Social Dilemma
  • Why Privacy Matters | Glenn Greenwald at TED - A brilliant TED talk from one of the journalists who worked with Snowden to blow the whistle on mass surveillance.
  • The Power of Privacy | The Guardian A short film on why privacy matters from the institution that started the 2013 mass surveillance disclosures.
  • Safe and Sorry – Terrorism & Mass Surveillance | Kurzgesagt - A visually stunning and highly informative 6 minute video on the debate between privacy and security.